
Ecclesiastes: An Introduction and Commentary is unavailable, but you can change that!

“If it needs a man who has suffered to write a commentary on Job.… Perhaps the only person entitled to comment on Ecclesiastes is a cynic who has revolted from the world in disillusionment and disgust.” “If so,” writes Michael Eaton, “I qualify.” Scholars have long wrestled with the gloomy pessimism and striking omission of any mention of Yahweh in this portion of the Wisdom literature. After...

hate) and national endeavours (war … peace) under the pervasive control of divinely arranged times. 9. The first eight verses have asserted a providential control of life, but with little interpretation or comment. There has been no mention of the God who initiates and controls this scheme of ‘times’, nor has its relevance to daily life been elucidated. Verses 9–15 rectify that twin omission. The elucidation is both pessimistic and optimistic. It holds out confirmation of the hope of 2:24–26, and
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